How to Choose the Right Flood light

How to Choose the Right Flood light

Even if selecting the ideal lighting can be challenging, it doesn't have to be with the appropriate knowledge. When selecting your next flood light, the following are some of the most crucial features to consider.

Lighting Area

How much of an area you want to light up should be your initial consideration. It's critical to select the right floodlight for your needs because they come in a number of sizes and designs. It is OK to use a bulb with a lower wattage if you need anything small, such as an outdoor security light. However, if you want something substantial and potent, like an outdoor landscape light, it's advised that you pick one with more watts or lumens per square foot because these lights have more powerful bulbs and will illuminate a larger area.

Lighting types

Halogen and LED are the two major types of floodlights. Halogen lighting is renowned for its energy-efficiency and yellowish color. They provide a powerful light that may illuminate spaces as large as 1,500 square feet. Since LED bulbs use less energy and last longer, halogen lights, which have been used for many years, are now being phased out. Halogen lamps have a lifespan of 2,500 hours compared to an estimated 50,000 hours for LED bulbs.

Depending on how much light you need, halogen floodlights are available in several wattages: 15 watts, 20 watts, or 25 watts per bulb. They last an average of 5 years when used at least 12 hours per day in the summer and 8 years when used only 6 hours per day in the winter.

Flood light Wattage

Your flood light's wattage will change based on whether you need to spotlight a far object or just need to be able to view objects that are right next to you. More wattage is required to illuminate wide areas as opposed to only being able to view local objects clearly. A 100-watt floodlight, for instance, will probably be plenty if your backyard pool needs to be illuminated at night. However, depending on the size of the warehouse and how many workers will be present at any given time, it can be necessary to use 200 watts or more if you have a warehouse that needs lighting from a distance so that employees can see clearly.

Flood light Mounting Type

The mounting style of a floodlight should be taken into account before purchasing. The three major types of floodlight mounts are recessed box mounts, wall brackets, and pole mounts. Since pole mount floodlights are directly connected to an electrical supply, they can be installed anywhere there is a nearby outlet. Although they are simple to set up, they lack a locking mechanism or bracket that locks them in place, making them less secure than other mounting kinds.

In comparison to pole mounts, wall bracket mounts are more secure because they are fastened to the wall with screws or bolts. Due to the lack of complicated wiring or other tools beyond a screwdriver or drill motor, wall brackets are also simpler to install than recessed box mounts.


It is crucial that you take into account a variety of aspects if you're looking to purchase a Flood Light. The longevity and energy efficiency of the floodlight should be taken into account. You should also think about whether the area around your home is a good fit for this kind of lighting. You should conduct extensive study before making this extremely significant decision, just like you would with any other major purchase.